Mindworx has been training since 2012 specialising in digital skills.
All Mindworx facilitators are fully certified in the fields they train in.
We offer inhouse, national and international certification, and everyone who trains through us is encouraged to apply the learning practically at work to asses the effectiveness of the learning.
Yes there are, group programmes are subject to full class discounts.
Yes, we offer mentoring and coaching to all our delegates.
Yes, subject to group numbers.
Some of our programmes are client sponsored, and some are Seta sponsored. Should the programmes not be sponsored by either, yes, you would pay.
Yes. You can contact us on +27 11 484 4747/8 or academyinfo@mindworx.co.za.
We receive many applications during the course of the year, not all applicants are successful, if you have not heard from us, you likely were not selected.