Being 60% black owned and 51% black women owned, means that being a Level 1 BEE company certainly deepens our transformational role in South Africa. In addition, we’re thrilled that our rating also improves the competitiveness of our clients and suppliers. Indeed, it offers benefits to everyone in our supply chain both financially and in terms of increasing their own BEE scores.
- Companies that procure only from Level 1 suppliers spend less but claim more: for every R1.00 our customers spend with us they can claim R1.35 against their own preferential procurement scoring.
- Choosing to use a Level 1 supplier or work with a Level 1 customer means that clients and service providers alike improve their own scores.
Only companies that are Level 1 rated can provide these advantages.
There are additional advantages to our BEE level 1 status.
- As a company, transformation is important to us. We specialise in transforming the careers of our candidates and the businesses of our clients, but it is not only in these obvious areas that we care. We are also serious about being part of the transformation of South Africa. Our new BEE status is a very clear demonstration of our commitment to our country and, in turn, demonstrates the commitment of the clients and suppliers who seek out Level 1 business partners.
- We care deeply about being a good employer and Level 1 status signals this with great clarity.
- Of course we are always interested in growth, not just for our clients and candidates but for ourselves too. BEE Level 1 sharpens our competitive edge, not least because it opens us up to new government clients which gives us greater credibility.
In South Africa today, merely complying with BEE legislation is not good enough. BEE is not about hanging a certificate on your wall. Companies that are serious about South Africa, its development as a nation and the growth of its businesses, need to demonstrate their commitment. Few actions speak louder than becoming a BEE Level 1 contributor.
Find out more about how Mindworx drives transformation and innovation in the industries and communities we serve here.